Baby talk

"Sometimes, I get below my threshold."

"And what is that?"

"70 marks." He continues to fiddle with his Beyblade toys. Apparently, I'm poor competition to some spinning scrap metal/plastic instruments.

My baby cousin is in the Gifted Education Program (GEP) - the first child in the extended family to be in such an exclusive academic program. Honestly, he is not a "baby" but given my age - erhem - I feel every right to regard him as so.

He tests me about charms, quarks and neutrinos - subatomic particles that happen to be beyond the typical NUS Chemistry syllabus. It is actually quite embarrassing when I desperately attempt to deflect his questions. Anyway, back to the story.

"Why did you score below 70?"

"Cause my handwriting is bad. Now, I write damn slowly."

I gasped. "You're a baby, you aren't supposed to use the word 'damn'!"

"Huh, why not?"

"It is a vulgarity. Very naughty of you to use it."

"Why is T-H-E-M a vulgarity?"

I wonder what this suggests about me, haha.
