Teaching as a Privilege

Teaching is a privilege.

Came across this quote and was overwhelmed. It had resonated then, tolling with simple sincerity. And even now, it continues to resonate.

It's easy to lose heart when tutoring, when all efforts bear naught, when all efforts breed resentment, hopelessness, disappointment. It's easy to despair when the kids don't seem to respond immediately to one's painstaking preparation. It's easy to lose faith, to lose sight that teaching is a privilege.

It is a timely - kind of divine - reminder. Teaching is a privilege. How true.

What other jobs allow one to mould inquisitive minds and shape character daily? What other jobs concern itself more with the society's future than one's own financial wants? Precious few jobs do and teaching is one of them.

Business, Law, Medicine, Engineering, Finance. These are the cool fields to be in, fields where making money is easy or at least easier. Despite MOE's attempt to paint teaching as a cool career, no one's really falling for it.

Everyone know that teaching is draining and the pay, by all means, is merely average. It's a job that demands much heart and hard work. Perhaps this account for the skepticism that greets anyone who dare to say they want to be a teacher. Why suffer? Many had asked. Why be teachers?

Well, that's an easy question to answer: because teaching is a privilege.

Always feel like laughing whenever I see this advertisement.
Do teachers even dress like this?! 
